Half-Timbered Building Glossary

  • air-dried brick – a building material made of clay or of a mixture of clay and straw (chaff), dried in the sun, used mainly for internal half-timbered wall infill
  • angle brace – an element of the framing construction of a half-timbered wall or of a roof truss; a short beam, occasionally decorative or curved, supporting other elements of the construction; in some cases referred to as a bracket
  • base – upper part of continuous footing, neutralising terrain slope and levelling the ground-beam construction
  • beam – an element of the framing construction of a half-timbered wall, a timber located horizontally between two posts
  • brace – an element of framing construction, a diagonally running timber, most frequently joining base beams with the top ones
  • ceramic brick – a building material made from clay, slate, silt and loess, fired and used mainly for outer half-timbered wall infill
  • continuous footing – a kind of foundation made most frequently of fieldstone, transferring the wall load directly onto the soil
  • face of a wall – a surface created by outer areas of the framing construction elements and infill of a half-timbered wall
  • Fach (panel) – a popular name of German origin for the field between posts and beams in a half-timbered wall
  • framing construction – a load-bearing construction of half-timbered walls made by a carpenter of wooden elements: posts, beams, ground beams, top beams, braces and brackets
  • ground beam – an element of the framing construction of a half-timbered wall; a beam placed horizontally on a base, frequently made of oak wood, thicker than other elements of the framing construction
  • hew trace, hewing trace – a trace in wooden material left by a hewing tool used by a carpenter for shaping the elements of framing construction, usually by an axe
  • infill – material placed between the construction elements of a half-timbered wall, most frequently clay, ceramic brick or air-dried brick
  • panel – see: Fach
  • pinned joint – a kind of woodworking joint using a wooden pin hammered into openings made in the ends of joined elements
  • post – an element of the framing construction of a half-timbered wall, a timber located vertically and connected with a beam
  • Prussian wall – one of common terms for half-timbered construction, mostly referring to the objects with ceramic brick infill
  • scarf joint – a woodworking joint used in the framing construction of a half-timbered wall to lengthen the material or at a corner; the matching elements are connected with a pin
  • splice joint – a kind of woodworking joint used in the framing construction of half-timbered walls; joining elements end to end, running continuously or forming an angle, by a cut in an element that matches the one in another; the fitting elements may be joined with a pin
  • timber framing – a general term used for construction using timbers, which also defines half-timbered architecture, with which it is commonly associated
  • top beam – an element of the framing construction of a half-timbered wall, a horizontal timber connecting two posts at the top
  • wattle and daub – a kind of infill composed of wood, straw, clay and occasionally other materials